Sacramento Homeless Debates

Lorenzo Johnson has a Batman watch and a methamphetamine addiction. He has a pair of Vans and a schizophrenia diagnosis, a prison record and a niece named Jameelah Jones, who lives alongside him here in a small patch of shared squalor. Read or listen to the story at...

New St. E’s Shelter Opens

Mayor Muriel Bowser today celebrated the opening of the brand-new 801 East Men’s Shelter on the St. Elizabeths campus in Ward 8 — a milestone in the District’s efforts to overhaul services for individuals experiencing homelessness.The Bowser administration...

Spring 2022

As we experience a bitter blast of winter cold, the unhoused come to mind. The MLK Library Friends hope to reprise our 2014 “Sanctuary of Mind” conference about homelessness and libraries with new programming in the spring. More details to follow as that...

Break the Cycle of Homelessness

A article from Jan. 12, 2022 by Priscilla Almodovar and Deborah De Santis The successes achieved by a Denver program combining housing and supportive services demonstrate what can be achieved — and how to do it without busting city budgets....